This post is on Plank with opposite arm leg lifts (light dumbbell for progression).

Plank with opposite arm leg lifts

Plank with opposite arm leg lifts
Plank with opposite arm leg lifts

Start in perfect plank position with your right hand on a light dumbbell.  (Note: do this first w/o a dumbbell to ensure proper form.  Only when you can do this properly w/o a dumbbell will you add it.)

Plank with opposite arm leg lifts

Plank with opposite arm leg lifts #2
Plank with opposite arm leg lifts #2

inhale, then while exhaling, lift your right arm/dumbbell straight in front of you while you lift your left leg straight up behind you, simultaneously pulling your navel to your spine and squeezing your buttocks to protect your back.  The arm and leg should stay inside the frame of the body and not lift above the shoulder/butt.

Do 6-12 reps right then repeat on left side.

This concludes this post on Plank with opposite arm leg lifts.

Julie Dean
Julie Dean

Julie Dean - I am a Certified Fitness instructor, Certified Aqua Instructor and personal trainer. I've been teaching fitness going on four years now. I've played sports and worked out my whole life - but really understanding Fitness is a whole different ball game. My goal is to help you understand fitness and help get you FIIT. It's also to make you laugh and to get you thinking. Fitness is 80% mental.

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