This post is how to do the exercise Up and Overs.

Up and Overs

Up and overs
Up and overs

Begin in a pike position with your feet in alignment with the center of your chest. Inhale, pull your navel into your spine.

Up and overs #2
Up and overs #2

Exhale, using the power of your core, to kick both legs up and over (keeping knees bent) and land with both feet to the side (3364).

Up and Overs

Up and overs #3
Up and overs #3

From the side, kick legs up and over to the other side.  Repeat this side to side kick up and over of your legs for either a set number or a set time. The stronger you are, the faster you can go. Remember, this is a core workout so it’s important that you breathe properly and use your core to help lift the legs.

This concludes this post on how to do Up and Overs.

Julie Dean
Julie Dean

Julie Dean - I am a Certified Fitness instructor, Certified Aqua Instructor and personal trainer. I've been teaching fitness going on four years now. I've played sports and worked out my whole life - but really understanding Fitness is a whole different ball game. My goal is to help you understand fitness and help get you FIIT. It's also to make you laugh and to get you thinking. Fitness is 80% mental.

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