This is my review on P90X Yoga X.
I was never a fan of Yoga until just this year. Actually one of my boys Steve went to his first Bikram Yoga (Hot Yoga) class sometime last year. I was supposed to go with him but I showed up about 5 minutes too late and they locked the door.
P90X Yoga X
Steve ranted and raved about how good it was. I just thought that he was there for some chick he used to bang, so I pretty much discounted it. But he (Steve) would keep rambling on and on about it, so I thought it must have some credentials. Steve is one of my oldest friends. I’ve known this dude since 9th grade; only my boy Vashawn I’ve known longer. You can check out Steve’s profile at one of my friend’s social network sites eworkoutpartners.com. eWorkoutpartners.com was started by another friend Randy, who also runs a trillion other websites….a true Entrepreneur. But, let’s get off this rabbit trail and onto the yoga trail.
Getting back to P90X Yoga – this was actually the first Yoga program I have ever done. My first thoughts were that this program was more difficult than I thought would be, and on the same hand it was easier than I thought it would be. I say this because many people have told me that I should incorporate a Yoga workout into my normal routine. I always just blew them off until my business partner Julie damn near demanded that I go. How can I say no to the person who edits all these posts your reading? So, I did it and found out that I am extremely flexible. I’m not sure if flexibility is a genetic thing or what, but the people who told me I need to incorporate Yoga always stressed the difficultly of the poses. I didn’t find the poses difficult at all. However, I did find that balancing was much more difficult than the actual poses.
Yoga X – The Problem
I have done the Yoga X workout quite a few times. My first problem with this DVD is there are way, way, way, way, way, too many Adho Muka Svanasanas or downward facing dogs. It seems like all of the standing poses have a downward dog connected to them in one form or another. It seems like every pose is attached to this. I know that may be required to do “Proper” Yoga, but if you want proper Yoga, go to India and have a master teach it to you. This is an exercises program, don’t fake what this is.
Yoga X – What works?
Yoga X is based on HathaYoga that was developed by Yogi Swatmarama back in the 15th century in India. Yoga X works; however, if you’re new to yoga, I suggest you start with Bikram Yoga (Hot Yoga), which is what I prefer. If you have never done any sort of Yoga program, you really should try one. I have been working out for quite awhile now and this sort of thing is all about power, balance and flexibility. Just because you’re a big guy/girl in the gym doesn’t mean jack in Yoga – it adds a whole new dimension to your workout.
There are way too many poses to review each pose; this is one of those things you just have to do in order to get the benefit out of it.
P90X Yoga X
I’m rating this
3.5 Out of 5 Charles Faces. It would be 4 if there weren’t so many downward facing dogs.
Interested? Go get it in my Beachbody web store. If you want a 25% discount sign-up as a “Coach” and spread the word!
Thanks for reading my review on P90X Yoga X.
2 replies to "P90X Yoga X – Review"
I did yogax for the first time today, even though I’m on my second round of p90x. I always did Bikram on my yoga days, as I’ve been a Bikram instructor for 10 years. Today was a yoga day, but as Hurrican Sandy was busy pummeling my neighborhood and closing down my studio, yoga x it was. Yoga x was easy, and in my professional opinion, the way Tony teaches some of the postures can lead to repetitive stress injuries over time. His grips were funny in some postures (Royal dancer), and if at home viewers grip like he does, after 100 or so sessions could lead to some nasty wrist injuries, carpal tunnel, etc. It was a decent workout for me, but simply because I’m already a seasoned yogi and I was able to modify the postures as needed. For a beginner to yoga, I would definitely NOT recommend doing yoga by video. It is pretty imperative to have a trained instructor teaching you as a beginner in order to avoid injury. Any Bikram or Iyengar studio has more than qualified teachers, and both of those practices will give you a far superior yoga workout on p90x yoga days. Keep up your good reviews Charles, you are always spot on.
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