This is a post on Why you need your own website The story about my Biological Mom.
Why you need your own website The story about my Biological Mom
One of the great benefits of owning a website is you meet people who you would never think you would. In this case it’s my biological mom.
Last Friday I received an e-mail from a woman in South Carolina and it read like this:
“I was just wondering. Is you mother’s name by chance *****? I may have the wrong Charles Lloyd”.
There was something very peculiar about this email, mainly because I never have written and very few people know anything about my biological mom. The person who I call my mother did not give birth to me.
Why you need your own website The story about my Biological Mom
Some Background
I was born close to 34 years ago in Honolulu, Hawaii when my dad was in the Navy. I was born right as he was about to get out of the military. The rule back then was you had to be at least 6 months ago to board the airplane. So I only lived in Hawaii for about 6 months of my life. Then I moved to California which is where I grew up.
I don’t know the exact dates but some time during the first few months of me coming to California, my biological mother dropped me off at my grandmother’s house, when she went “downtown”, I have never heard from her since. Other than knowing her name from my birth certificate this is the extent of my knowledge of my “mom”. I haven’t heard, seen pictures or had any contact with her since. I could have walked by her on the street and would have never known it.
My response to the email
“Hi ******,
Yes my biological mothers name is ***** ***** ****, however I haven’t seen her in over 30 years. Do you know her? Thanks”
Her response
Charles, I am your Aunt. I am at work but believe me I am crying on the inside. If you are able call me. Use the number below.
WTF! A few more emails later, there was little doubt in this wasn’t a BS email. So I call her, we exchange pleasantries, but honestly I don’t know what to say to her, so we talked for about an hour.
The only think my Aunt knew about me was my name and nothing else. This website has only been up since December 25th 2008, some how I ranked up high enough in that short amount of time to filter past the other Charles Lloyd (famous saxophonist). My highest page rank with Google is PR6 thanks to StumbleUpon about a month ago.
My Aunt and I talked for about an hour, and then she put me on a 3 way call with my other Aunt who lives in the Georgia. My mother was on the phone! For the first time in 34 years I spoke with my “mother”. This is the power of the internet! This is my reason why you need your own website. Facebook, Myspace and Twitter are fine…but to really establish yourself you need a website. Not for the money but for the fringe benefits!
When you are ready to start click here to set up your own website.
This is the conclusion of my post on Why you need your own website The story about my Biological Mom.