Project: Tamara
This is the start of Project: Tamara. Tamara is a 30-something year old wife and mother of 6…Yes six children. Roughly six months ago Tamara came to me and my business partner Julie, with a goal of losing weight (this was the start of Project: Tamara). When I say weight I’m not talking about 15 stubborn pounds, nor am I talking about 25 pounds before her high school reunion, or to fit into a wedding dress. No I am talking about a massive amount of weight. Six months ago Tamara weighed in at 324lbs. At that time I set Tamara up on my AEP (Accountability Eating Plan), weighed her, measured her and gave her a lifestyle change to follow. For some reason things just didn’t work out as planned and the goal of weight loss, while it was still a nice idea, was not a priority for her.
Fast forward to March of 2011, Tamara came back to us and this time she was serious. Plagued by a history of family health problems and the emotional scars of being a big woman in a skinny person’s world, Tamara decided that enough was enough, the weight had to come off and it had to come off NOW.
This page and subsequent pages under Tamara is a LIVE log of Tamara’s journey from 324lbs down to 160lbs, and we are not stopping until we get there.
I know there are a lot of people reading my website who think that there is no way they can lose a massive amount of weight without gastric bypass, or some medical procedure. She is going to prove that yes you can, but it’s going to take a whole lot of blood, sweat, tears and yes PAIN, to break out of the emotional food bond that is afflicting so many people worldwide.
Project: Tamara
Note from Tamara:
My name is Tamara Torres. I have been overweight my entire life. Let’s start with my stats.
Start of this journey: March 5, 2011
Starting date of this blog: March 29, 2011
Weight: 309.6 from 315
Inches Lost: 1” at each location!!!
Height: 5’6:
Age: 31
My weight loss journey began in elementary school. Being overweight from a young age has really had an effect on who I am today. I lived my childhood being embarrassed and ashamed of myself. By the time I was in the 5th grade I weighed about 210. I began the rollercoaster dieting at about 12 years old. I would do things like the cabbage diet, no meat, or simply skipping meals. All of these got me very short lived success with the end result being more weight gain. During my teen years I was very self conscious. I didn’t date much and had depression and low self worth because of my size. During High school was when I had the most trouble with proper dieting methods. I had tried so much and never had the will power to stick to a plan so out of frustration I simply began throwing up after just about every meal. I kept this up in secret for a few months and lost 30 lbs. I was happy about the weight loss, but was doing poorly in school, tired all the time and suffering the effects of not retaining nutrients. With the help of my high school counselor I stopped doing that and began the Jenny Craig plan at 15 years old. I stuck to this and had very successful weight loss. Once I was of working age (16) I began working at Jenny Craig as an assistant weight loss coach. During this time I lost about 75 lbs, was healthy, and feeling great. The problem with this plan was that all meals were pre-packaged including snacks and it was very expensive. As life happened and I could no longer afford this, I tried doing the plan on my own and gained all the weight back and then some.
Ok fast forward….as an adult I have tried EVERYTHING!!! Atkins, liquid diet, variety of over the counter and prescription diet pills, weight watchers, metabolite, herbal life, nutrilite, colon cleanse, laxatives, diuretics…ETC, ETC. So many I can’t even remember them all. Each bringing short term results with long term weight gain. Some of these methods are effective and safe, but I just recently realized the problem was not always with the plan I chose, it was me. I have never really had any lifestyle change. I always want the instant gratification, the quick results, but wasn’t changing anything on the inside.
My last drastic measure was going to have gastric bypass surgery. This was going to be my fix. I thought it was a Godsend. After all I worked for a major hospital and new the doctors, my insurance covered it, I’m still young, mostly healthy, and my physician said I was a perfect candidate. At this point I was at my highest weigh of 335 lbs. The only problem was the risk of complications…oh and death. My husband was 100% against the surgery unless I really had an urgent life threatening issue and would not live without it. He was so against it that it became a real problem for my marriage. So I cancelled my scheduled surgery. At this point I felt hopeless and that I was doomed to being a “big girl” forever.
One health issue that makes it a little more difficult to lose weight is that I have a condition called PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). This causes me to have insulin resistance diabetes, higher testosterone levels, and out of whack hormones. Yes they have pills to treat this, but what is the main way to treat it? Weight loss!! So two years ago I began going to Julie Dean’s FIIT camp class offered at my church. It was fun, low cost and I could see myself getting stronger each week. After about 2-3 months I had lost 15 lbs. however I still had not gotten my eating under control. My weight loss was hampered by large portion sizes, and lack of balance. I would eat 1-2 big meals a day and not snack or have any meals in between. In my mind I have been programmed that the less I eat and harder I work out is the key to sustained weight loss. I continued to yo yo between 280 and 330 lbs.
In spring of 2010 I had some health issues that resulted in a partial hysterectomy. I was unable to exercise from April through August. Around that time I was frustrated, tired all the time, and tired of not having consistent results with my weight. That is when I was first introduced to Julie Dean’s business partner, Charles Lloyd. Charles came to my home and we discussed a meal plan, goals, exercise, and what it would take to get me to my goals. I still found an excuse. I didn’t feel I needed to invest in his services and that I would just try it on my own. I also told myself I am too busy to take the time and learn a new way of eating. I am married and have six kids.Five of the children under the age of seven. I don’t have the patience and resources to plan out the meals, shop healthy, and take control. Plus I love food, it tastes good, and I love eating the wrong food! Things were so crazy in my mind. I would work hard and lose say 5 lbs then reward my good effort by going to claim jumpers for a four- course meal! I was also somewhat intimidated by the process and afraid of yet another failure. Needless to say here I am six months later finally changing my life and taking charge. It’s not easy, but necessary. I have officially decided that I am worth the time, money, and effort to conquer this battle. I am ready to actually change my life. I am done dieting, binging, feeling guilty. That was the old story of my life. I am now writing my new story!
So, In March 2011, I started FIIT Camp again and working with Charles at starting weight of 315 lbs. I would like to lose approximately 165 lbs. Wow that is a big goal, but I am taking it one day at a time. Remember no more “quick fixes” time for a real life change!
I invite you to join me on my journey of weight loss and life changes together with my team of Charles and Julie, and my fantastic support system of family and friends. I’m opening myself up to you, baggage and all. If my story, and all of my ensuing struggles and victories can help just one person, other than myself, then baring my soul and pushing through the pain will be worth it. So, I encourage you to read, to comment, to cheer me on and follow me on my journey to a new me. Until next time!!
Project: Tamara
Update – Initial Measurements:
Neck – 16
Chest – 51
Arm – 21 , Forearm – 13.4, Wrist – 7.6
Arm – 21, Forearm – 13.4, Wrist – 7.6
Waist – 48.6
Hips – 56
Butt – 54.6
Quad – 36 , Calf – 20.2
Quad – 35.5 , Calf – 20.4
Weight: 315.4 lbs
This is the first post of Project: Tamara.
4 replies to "Project: Tamara"
Feeling good today. Found out this week how important sleep is. I have a hard time falling and staying asleep at night and it it affecting my weight loss. Goal for this week is to work on getting enough rest so that my workouts are more effective.
Good, We got your calories down to the “T”, go to F.I.I.T. camp tomorrow and knock it out. Were going to handle this thing Tam! 🙂
Monday has had its ups and downs. A year ago today was the last time I saw my mother, my best friend (in addition to my husband) for the last time alive. 2 days later I had an urgent partial hysterectomy and the very next day my mom lost her life to brain cancer. Now that I am not partially sedated on pain killers and recovering from surgery, my mind relives those few days and it feels almost more painful than before. My normal coping strategy is to eat something unhealthy and a lot of it to “make me feel better”. Not this time, my mom (as well as everyone else who loves me) has always supported my weight loss efforts and was there for me every time I failed. Well time to make her proud. I pledge this week to work through the tears and have one of my best weeks so far. So today I ate on plan, had an awesome workout at Julie’s F.I.I.T. Camp. Went to a whole foods store and purchased melatonin and valerian root to help me sleep. Well I did all I could and I feel so exhausted and physically tired. Here it is 12:30am and I am still tossing and turning. Better luck Tuesday night. :-/ . Not giving up.
That’s some rough stuff Tam. In addition to being a full time mother, you have your hands full. This is a lesson to anybody that it’s never too late to get started. As you can tell nobody ever promised me, you, or anybody an easy life, but you can be a testimony for others out there also struggling. Someone once told me the secret to happiness is helping others in their struggles.