This post is about how to do a High Knee Jog with Alternating Cross-Over Elbows.

High Knee Jog with Alternating Cross-Over Elbows
As you jog, bring your left knee to a 90 degree angle. Make sure you exhale and pull your naval into your spine. You want the abdominal muscles assisting in the lifting of the leg. At the same time, with your arms bent in a 90 degree angle, cross the right elbow over so it is directly above the left knee. Engage the side abdominals (obliques) and make sure to keep your spine in neutral. Exhale each time you cross.
High Knee Jog with Alternating Cross-Over Elbows

Switch feet and cross the opposite elbow over to the opposite knee. This is a jog so there will be a moment in which both feet are off the ground. (modification – step and lift each leg instead of jogging).
This concludes this post on how to do High Knee Jog with Alternating Cross-Over Elbows.