This post is on how to do Plie prisoner squats.
Plie prisoner squats

Put your hands behind your head and pull the elbows back. Keep them back the entire time to effectively work your upper back muscles. Point your toes out in a plié position and squat. Make sure your knees do not go over your toes and keep the weight in the heels of your feet as much as possible. You will definitely feel this in your inner thighs.

From this position, jump up and forward 4x, each time landing in the plié squat position. Really explode during each jump.
Plie prisoner squats

after jumping forward 4x, immediately Jump backward 4x. Repeat the sequence for the duration of the exercise. Again, keep your elbows back and your abs in. (modification: if you can’t jump, just do stationary prisoner squats).
This concludes this post on how to do Plie prisoner squats.