This post is on how to do Push-ups to Alternating side planks.
Push-ups to Alternating side planks

Start in perfect plank position, feet shoulder width apart, hands directly under the shoulders, navel pulled into the spine and breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. Remember upon the exhale to close the ribs and really draw the navel to the spine.

Inhale and go down into a pushup, exhale as you come up. If you cannot do a pushup in this position yet, either go down on your knees or just don’t do the pushup.
Push-ups to Alternating side planks

As you come up out of the pushup, making sure your feet are shoulder width apart and your hands are directly under your shoulders, turn sideways into a side plank (Do not move your feet or your hands) lifting the right hand in the air and resting on your left hand, with both feet turned completely sideways. Keep your hips lifted, don’t let them sink. Your perfect plank should already have you in the perfect position to just turn sideways.
Repeat all three moves and alternate to the other side. Try to ten or more
Remember to keep your navel pulled into your spine and breathe.
This concludes this post on Push-ups to Alternating side planks.