This post is on how to do 4-Count Burpees with Over Head Press.
4-Count Burpees with Over Head Press

From standing neutral position, inhale and pull your navel to your spine.

Count 1 – bend down and put your hands on the dumbbells, directly under your shoulders, making sure to keep the shoulder blades back. Do not round the shoulders.
4-Count Burpees with Over Head Press

Count 2 – Exhale and Jump back into plank position, keeping your navel pulled into your spine and keeping your spine in neutral position. Make every effort not to sink your hips or you may hurt your back. (modification: If you can’t jump back, step back into plank.)

Count 3 – Jump your feet back up near your hands, so you’re in the same position you were before you jumped back into plank.

Count 4 –Pull the dumbbells in close to your body as you stand up and then press them over your head.
End of one set. Try to do ten or more or do them for a specific duration
This concludes this post on how to do 4-Count Burpees with Over Head Press.