This post is on how to do Alternating Power Lunges.
Alternating Power Lunges

Begin in a lunge position, right leg forward, left leg back and straight. Make sure your front knee is over the ankle and that it NEVER goes over the front toe (protect your knees). Inhale and pull your navel into your spine.
Alternating Power Lunges

Jump straight up as you exhale, using your core, and switch legs in the air so you land in the start position, but this time with your left leg forward and your right leg back. (modification. This is a very difficult move. If you cannot jump, you can do a hop. This means you will bring your back leg up and just before it touches you take your front leg back.)
Again, do a set number of reps or for a set period of time.
This concludes this post on how to do Alternating Power Lunges.