This post is on how to do Plank Row Side Plank Straight Arm Raise.
Plank Row Side Plank Straight Arm Raise

Start in perfect plank, right hand on a dumbbell and left hand on the floor.

“row” the dumbbell up to your chest. Make sure you keep your elbow close to the body and squeeze your rhomboid muscle at the top of the pull (little muscle in your back next to the shoulder blade).
Plank Row Side Plank Straight Arm Raise
Control the return of the dumbbell back to the start position, but don’t rest it on the mat.

Turn onto your left hand into a side plank, keeping your right arm straight with the dumbbell down in front of you. (keep your hips up and your navel pulled into the spine)

Slowly and with control, and KEEPING YOUR RIGHT ARM STRAIGHT THE ENTIRE TIME, lift the dumbbell straight up until it is directly above your shoulder

. Then slowly lower the weight back to the ground, turn back to plank position, and begin another row. Do 6-12 Right then switch to the left hand, or for a certain amount of time.
This concludes this post on how to do Plank Row Side Plank Straight Arm Raise.