Nutrition is like using a credit card . . .
This post is talking about how Nutrition is like using a credit card. Hey all, Julie here – the remaining ¼ of team CharlesLloydFitness.com. Nutrition is like using a...
Julie Dean - I am a Certified Fitness instructor, Certified Aqua Instructor and personal trainer. I've been teaching fitness going on four years now. I've played sports and worked out my whole life - but really understanding Fitness is a whole different ball game. My goal is to help you understand fitness and help get you FIIT. It's also to make you laugh and to get you thinking. Fitness is 80% mental.
This post is talking about how Nutrition is like using a credit card. Hey all, Julie here – the remaining ¼ of team CharlesLloydFitness.com. Nutrition is like using a...
Here are my Exercise Ball V Pass – I use these in my bootcamp class I teach here in Sacramento. Exercise Ball V Pass Squeeze the exercise ball between your feet. Stretch...
Today we are going to talk about Side planks (with side dips and leg lifts) – Ab Attack Series The plank is an isometric exercise that works your core, your shoulders,...
This post is about Bench Tricep Dips. As the title indicates, this exercise works your triceps (primary muscles) and your deltoids (secondary muscles). Bench Tricep Dips The...
Here we are going to talk about Oblique Teapots. Oblique Teapots This exercise targets your obliques. You will need a medium-sized rubber ball (the ball in the photo is a...