This is my review on P90X Cardio X.
The Cardio X is one of the more weird workouts that I have done with this program. Not weird in the way of the type of exercises, but weird in the way of the pacing of the DVD. I think this may have been done on purpose to treat this workout as a second workout with their Lean program.
P90X Cardio X
Cardio X is basically a fusion workout between 4 other P90X workouts. It incorporates workouts from Core Synergistics, Kenpo X, Yoga X and Plyometrics. I know I have only covered the Yoga X and the Plyometric DVD’s so far, but this will be a good pre-cursor to what is coming up.
Cardio X is one of those DVDs that should actually be a whole separate DVD that The Beachbody company could sell by itself. It’s probably the most independent workout of the whole P90X program.
My first observation in this DVD was that it starts off way too slow for me. Like I said before…on a scale of 1~10. . . it starts off at about a 3 and stays at that level, then it immediately goes to a 8/9 later in the workout. There really is no buildup…I would equate it to falling off of a cliff.
That said, it is a great DVD. If you’re just starting this program or you’re not in shape already, I would wait and get a couple weeks of the normal P90X under your belt before doing this.. This workout will burn some serious calories.
The DVD starts off doing some Yoga X poses.
If you’ve already have done the Yoga X or have read my review, then you already know what to expect. Here, you go through a series of Sun Salutations, Runners Poses, Warrior one, Warrior two and Reverse Warrior.
This is a good way to start off the Cardio X, as it gets your core temperature up and your body ready for the shock to follow.
At this point, the Yoga X is easy – I’m hardly breathing and I’m thinking this is the easiest workout I have done yet on the program.
Kenpo X
I have not yet written the review on Kenpo X, but Kenpo X is one of the more fun workouts of the system. Kenpo is a style of martial arts training. So think lots of punching and kicking. Here you go through the a series of exercises of
- Ball Kicks
- Hook/Uppercut/Side Kicks
- Front & Back Knuckles/Ball Kick/Back Kick
- Jab/Cross/Hook/Uppercut
- Three Direction Kick
At this point, I’m still wondering when this workout is going to kick into high gear. I’m breathing fairly decently but nothing to write home about. So far, the workout is still easy and I’m half-way through!
P90X Cardio X
Here is where you just fall off the cliff! Seriously – it goes from about a 3/4 workout to a 7/8 workout. As you already know, I love plyometrics and here they incorporate some of my favorite exercises, including:
- Airborne Heisman
- Swing Kick
- Jump Shot
- Tires
Also included is a “new” exercise called Wacky Jacks…they are just like jumping jacks but Wacky…it’s a very cool exercise and if you have worked out before, I’m sure you have done them. Wacky Jacks are great oblique/cardio exercises. I have done these in the past but have long outcorporated them from my workouts; not because I didn’t like them but because I just plain forgot about them.
Core Synergistics
For the last phase of this Cardio X program, you finish yourself off with Core Synergistics. This is where you’re at a 9 on the sweat scale. I have yet to write a review for Core Syngergistic,, but I have done the workout with Julie and it does kick ass. Here, you incorporate a few exercises from the DVD that include:
- Squat X-Press
- Steam Engine
- Draya Roll
- Squat Run
- Superman/Banana
The last few exercises, beginning with the Steam Engine, are where you need your gut check. If you are really putting your heart into it, it gets very tough at this point. By the time I got to Superman/Banana, (Julie’s favorite) I was pretty much done.
Overall I give this DVD a 4 out of 5 Charles’ Faces, It would have been 4.5 but it started off slow.
Interested? Go get it in my Beachbody web store. If you want a 25% discount sign-up as a “Coach” and spread the word!
Thanks for reading my review on P90X Cardio X.
1 Response to "P90X Cardio X – Review"
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