Introduction: The Perfect Pullup is from the makers of the Perfect Pushup, this is my Perfect Pullup Review. It’s a bar that attaches to your door so you can do Pullups right at home.
The Bottom Line:
The Perfect Pullup works, I don’t like the fact that you have to drill into the door frame, and some bits are plastic while sturdy in my opinion should be metal. I love the abs straps, maybe the best abs exercises I have ever experienced. Kinda awkward doing pullups in the door frame for my 6’3 stature.
Charles Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Charles faces’
Perfect Pullup Review
What does the product promise?
Based on the commercials, it’s a product built to “get you ripped,” but you cannot base a product off its commercials. You won’t find some fat ass dude in their commercial barely being able to knock out 1 pullup with a cupcake on the floor underneath him. According to their workout sheet:
“These exercises will improve your strength, definition and endurance regardless of your fitness level.”
Does it achieve those goals?
I actually got the Perfect Pullup as a Christmas present last year; coincidently, the same day my website went live. I never read any of the reviews on this so my expectations were neutral coming into the show since I didn’t know anything about it. The first thing I noticed was that unlike some of the other pullup products advertised on TV, you have to drill holes into your door frame to install the bar; not that that’s a bad thing, it was just totally unexpected I didn’t count on drilling holes in my door for Christmas. (which I didn’t) To me, that is a negative about the product, but it could also be a positive since a door frame is usually very structurally sound, so I doubt that my 180lb ass will come close to pulling this thing out of the frame.
I think this Pullup bar will do exactly what it says if you use it; and isn’t that the key, using it? Most exercise equipment that people buy is fun at first, but the novelty usually soon wanes and then it just becomes a part of your atmosphere. As you know full well, this product by itself won’t get you ripped. However, it will build muscle mass if used properly along with proper nutrition. Muscle size, definition and strength are made in gym, while you rest and in the kitchen.
Is it a good value?
It was a great value for me since I got it as a Christmas present. Normally these things go for about $60; I think I may have seen it for $59 or $55 at Wal-Mart the other day. I don’t have any other pull up bar outside my gym to compare it to. Overall the Perfect Pullup does exactly what it says, which makes it a pretty good value.
If you’re a perfectionist, then don’t bother. Just get a full fledged gym because you won’t be happy with this if perfection is your game. However, if you want a tool that gets the job done, then the Perfect Pullup does just that.
Perfect Pullup Review
- It works if you use it correctly.
- The abs straps on this thing rock.
- Extremely sturdy and should support my 180lb frame.
- The Pullup workouts that come with it, there are only 6 workouts but all work extremely well. Even has a schedule on the back of the workout sheet
- Good instructions on how to install it properly, even has a template on where to drill the wholes in your door frame.
- You have to drill into your door frame to install it.
- Awkward pullups if your over 6 feet, because you have to bend your knees back, I’m just not used to that.
- Some parts like the pullup handles are plastic when they should be metal.
- Price, about double the cost of some of the other leverage pullup bars around.
- Eventually you will mark-up your walls raising and lowering the bar.
Here I am fresh out of bed in the morning taking pictures, Im 6’3 and the top of the door is about 6’8, so its kinda low. Thanks for checking out my Perfect Pullup Review.
6 replies to "Perfect Pullup Review"
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great review!!
Thanks Neucrotico!
thnx. it was a great help