I now know that Pepsi reads charleslloydfitness.com, I know this because sometime early last year I told you guys about how much HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup) sucks. In any event, sometime last week I was out eating at a really kick-ass Vietnamese restaurant here in Sacramento (Pho Bac Hoa Viet) (actually the restaurant was up in the ritzy part of town Granite Bay). Anyhow, while I was eating my soup and watching sports on one of the restaurant’s flat screen TV’s, a Pepsi commercial came on….instead of describing the commercial I am going to show it to you.
Pepsi reads charleslloydfitness.com
Pepsi makes a commercial that says HFCS sucks in a roundabout way
Yep, Pepsi reads, adores and takes notes from charleslloydfitness.com. You are really putting REAL sugar BACK IN Pepsi?!?! You’re welcome Pepsi.
BTW Pepsi, get rid of your new logo, its sucks! The 1973/throwback logo is an infinity times moar gooder than that new lame one you paid $1M for. All it is is a modern rendition of the Partridge family logo turned sideways with a circle around it. Don’t believe me? Look.
+ This is the Partridge family logo
This is the Partridge family logo turned sideways with some red and blue added in a circle =
New Pepsi symbol. Jackpot for me!
Pepsi reads charleslloydfitness.com
Charleslloydfitness.com is coming to an iPhone near you.
I spent a good number of the last few days working on an iPhone app for this website. Actually no I didn’t, it only took me about 30 minutes of actual work. It is tentatively called CLiFitness and should be ready within a week or two from the iTunes store. Stay Tuned.
So now that Pepsi reads charleslloydfitness.com, where is my check?