This is my review on P90X Legs and Back. This ranks right up there with the Plyometrics Disk 1 I reviewed a couple of days ago. Come to think of it, this might be a tie with...
This post is my review on P90X Plyometrics. P90X Plyometrics This is probably one of my favorite disks of the P90X series, mainly because it’s about 90% lower body...
This is my review on P90X Chest and Back and Ab Ripper. I am going to review the whole P90X series over the next few weeks starting with disk 1, which I did last night. P90X...
What everone need Try for it "Thuggin for life and if you right then nigga die for it Let them other brothers try, at least you tried for it." – 2pac – Ambitionz...
Here is My cousins Andre interview with CriticalBench. Andre still holds my record on YouTube with over 170,000 views. Like I said in a previous post, this was sort of a off...
This is one of my favorite post, How not to be a douche bag – Top 10 ways How not to be a douche bag Buying a Porsche Boxster – This just screams that you want a...
I continue my list week with the Top 7 reasons to stretch. Remember when stretching incorporate Ballistic and Static stretching. It reduces your chance of injury. I have been...
These are the Top 10 Greatest Movies of All-Time Bar None. You need not look at another top 10 movie list in your life. Top 10 Greatest Movies of All-Time Bar None 1. ...