Insanity – Core Cardio and Balance – Review
This video was kinda weird – it had some very high, high points like the Hip-flexor burners and the shoulder burners, but other parts were lame like the moving ski hops....
This video was kinda weird – it had some very high, high points like the Hip-flexor burners and the shoulder burners, but other parts were lame like the moving ski hops....
So what is the Crazy About Nutrition Shakeology thing all about? In the midst of doing all my Insanity reviews (and P90X), one of the most frequently asked questions I get is...
I am no longer available for your personal training needs, but now I can be your sponsor Beachbody Coach. Beachbody Coach Check out the video below: I am now a coach for...
This post is the first part of a two part series entitled You cannot gain what you dont eat The Basics Series 1. You cannot gain what you dont eat The Basics...
This is the second part of the series entitled The Basics Series What you need to know about Health and Fitness 2. The Basics Series What you need to know about Health and...
Very good deal on a Health-o-Meter Bodyfat Scale for $16 Check it out http://graveyardmall.com/prbofatmosc.html
This post is entitled What to do about Muscle Soreness Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. What to do about Muscle Soreness Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness Delayed Onset Muscle...
Today is the final part of the series entitled How to have a Sabbath How to NOT diet eat well and still lose weight. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had...
Today is the next part of the series entitled How to NOT diet eat well and still lose weight The Alcoholic. How to NOT diet eat well and still lose weight The Alcoholic...