P90X Cardio X – Review
This is my review on P90X Cardio X. The Cardio X is one of the more weird workouts that I have done with this program. Not weird in the way of the type of exercises, but weird...
This is my review on P90X Cardio X. The Cardio X is one of the more weird workouts that I have done with this program. Not weird in the way of the type of exercises, but weird...
Here we are going to talk about Oblique Teapots. Oblique Teapots This exercise targets your obliques. You will need a medium-sized rubber ball (the ball in the photo is a...
Julie who is an ab monster is doing in the Video Rowboat Explosions, trust me they are extra hard. Video Rowboat Explosions httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElzFfK3MtwY...
Exercise Ball Workouts This is the first installment of my Ab Attack Series and Exercise Ball Workouts. This is the reverse V-up. If you need a really good abdominal...