Ok I have a new favorite P90X workout and it’s the P90X Kenpo X.
P90X Kenpo X
As I said in yesterdays Cardio X review, Kenpo is fight training. Of all the P90X programs I have done this one is not necessarily the hardest, nor is it most strenuous, nor does it burn the most calories, but it is the most fun. When I first started off I was looking at the counter in the bottom right corner and it said about 1 hour left, as much as I love working out, I don’t like looking at the clock and saying I have 1 hour left, in a weird sort of way its kinda depressing.
In this workout you are going to be throwing a series of kicks, elbows, jabs, uppercut and hooks. One of the best things about this workout is you can adjust the intensity very easily depending on your fitness level.
This workout is set up just like any of the other P90X workouts; you start off with a warm-up, a few stretches and continue on with the workout. There are numerous workout moves with the Kenpo X that include kicks, jabs, hooks and uppercuts. There is so many in fact that I really do not need to explain each and every move in this workout. As in my Yoga X workout this is best done than explained. However here is an outline of the lower body moves that are incorporated in this workout.
P90X Kenpo X
Lower body moves:
- Ball Kicks
- Back Kicks
- 3-Direction Kicks
- Knee Kicks
- Side Kicks
Upper body moves
- Hooks
- Swords
- Claw
- Inward Blocks
- Outward Blocks
- Knuckles
- Elbows
- Jabs
- Uppercuts
- Low Punches
- Crosses
- High Blocks
- Low Block
- Star Blocks
- Vertical Punches
As you can see you really concentrate on your upper body here. It is important to note that the intensity can be modified here for a harder or easier workout. This can be done by speeding up the movements, punch and kicks force and hip movements
I give this workout a 4.5 out of 5 Charles Faces! It would be 5 but there is not enough lower body workouts incorporated.
Interested? Go get it in my Beachbody web store. If you want a 25% discount sign-up as a “Coach” and spread the word!

This has been a review on P90X Kenpo X.