This is the second part of the series entitled The Basics Series What you need to know about Health and Fitness 2.
The Basics Series What you need to know about Health and Fitness 2
Over the next few weeks I will be featuring a series of post called the Basic Series. This is for people who are new to health and fitness and for people who think they are so far advanced but forgot the very basic stuff that ties everything together. Think of this as the fundamentals to fitness – what a bounce pass is to a basketball player or a donut is to a pastry chef.
I will also make this a sticky on my website since I am getting a lot of new visitors lately.
The Basics Series What you need to know about Health and Fitness 2
Here are some of the subjects I will be featuring shortly:
- You can’t gain what you don’t eat – For some reason people think that you gain 4 pounds of body weight by eating 1 pound of food. I will debunk this myth in an easy to read and simple format.
- How to lose weight the right way– I will point out how you can lose weight without going on some crazy diet, actually you don’t need to diet at all. I will also discuss all of the popular diets and why they don’t work, or do work but have bad repercussions.
- What dietary supplements work and don’t work – I will tell you in plain English what works and what does not work; coming from a person who is not trying to sell you anything. Most dietary supplement information these days is just a marketing campaign that has been repeated for so long that it is not considered truth.
- How much exercise do you REALLY need – There is a huge difference in what you need to do to get in shape and what you need to do to stay in shape. I will discuss what exactly you need.
- What is junk food – I will discuss what most people who think they are eating health food are really eating junk food. I will also tell you a very simple technique you can use to determine what is and what is not junk food.
- How long should you work out – A very common myth is people think you have to workout 2 or 3 hours per day to stay in shape. I will explain why it is not true, but is actually counterproductive.
- Analysis paralysis – Another group of people will study what they need to do all day long, go buy equipment, clothes and water bottles, but will never actually do anything with them. Or, they do something but quit after a few weeks and drop right back into the same rut. I will tell you how to cure this frame of mind forever.
- I’m too fat/out of shape to start – This is for the people out there who think they are so far out of shape that even starting will be a waste of time.
- Especially for Women – At least 60% of my readers are women and Julie, 25% owner of this website, will be writing a couple of articles just for women and some of the challenges you girls face that I couldn’t begin to imagine, dream or think about.
This concludes the second part entitled The Basics Series What you need to know about Health and Fitness 2.