Acai Berries fad, scam, or legit? Ever since Oprah put these berries on the map in the western world, everybody and their mama wants in on the action. Oprah named Açaí berries as her top Superfood, so the question is are Acai Berries – Fad, scam or legit? Whether you like her or not, when Oprah speaks, trees grow, kitties are born and the LOL cats are no longer LOL’ing.
Acai Berries fad, scam, or legit?
Do they work?
Yes they do. Açaí berries and juice have been known for years in South America for being high in antioxidants, rich in amino acids and essential fatty acids (EFA). Antioxidants are needed for a healthy heart and known by nutritionists for lowering cholesterol. Amino acids (aa’s) are used for muscle repair and EFA’s, as I have previously written, are good for proper organ function and a healthy diet.
However, I have been in and observed the healthy food supplement business for years and years and they are no better or worse than any fad diet of the day. If you’re old enough to remember the Chinese Ginseng root when that came out 20 years ago, my dad was buying that stuff like there was no tomorrow. Remember the Tahiti Noni Juice, which was touted as the fountain of youth? Then there was the TrimSpa fad, and now there is the Açaí berries.
Açaí juice
Açaí juice is claimed to have 25 times more antioxidants than pomegranates or blueberries. Not true. In a study done by UCLA, Açaí juice ranked #6 of the most antioxidant rich juice known. Here is the list:
- Pomegranate juice
- Red wine
- Concord grape juice
- Blueberry juice
- Black cherry juice
- Açaí juice
- Cranberry juice
- Orange juice
- Tea
- Apple juice
(I know you’re going to look it up so I won’t even bother putting up the link. But it’s very easy to find.)
Acai Berries fad, scam, or legit?
However, the UCLA findings are not entirely true. What the study does not tell you is pomegranate juice came in first because of the variety of antioxidants it has, not because it has more antioxidants than Açaí . Açaí juice works, but don’t expect it to be a cure all.
As I mentioned before when Oprah herself puts something on her website, people will use that information for financial gain. Marketeers will use what she said and run with it.
Acai Berries – Fad, scam or legit?
Free Offer
First, if you think you can get “Free” Açaí pills just for asking….News flash…You won’t get jack for free….YOU WILL GET SCAMMED!
There is no free lunch. All those “Free Offers” are not free – you will be overcharged and you will be signed up for a monthly, quarterly or whatever subscription. Meaning that every month, every quarter or whatever you agreed to, you will be receiving your freeze-dried, shaken not stirred allotment of Açaí berries that you overpaid for, conveniently charged to your credit card.
Let me repeat that for the hard of hearing…you will not get anything free. Nothing, nada, zero, zilch, nil.
The free product these companies are pedaling sucks – as I mentioned before, you will be getting freeze dried Açaí berries that have been processed with heat and not cold pressed (I wrote about cold-pressing in my EFA article, same rule applies) which kills ALL nutritional value the Açaí berries are known for.
Where you should get Açaí from:
If you’re going to eat or drink these, then there are only 2 ways you should do this:
Raw or cold pressed in juice form.
Unless you live in Brazil or Peru or somewhere in South America in or close to the rainforest, your chances of getting raw fresh, Açaí berries is practically none, unless you smuggle them into your country. However, by the time you get them home they will be dead and worth nothing. Because Açaí berries have a very high fat content (56.2% total fats) they have a very short life once harvested.
In juice form:
In my study, the guys from Amazon Thunder (not to be confused with Amazon.com) make the best stuff. Get the actual juice form.
If you’re from Australia, then you’re kind of screwed. You can’t get the Thundercaps with camu camu. Even though Australia is one of the best countries on earth, this is one instance where you guys suck – that and your internet P2P socialism.
In conclusion:
Yes Açaí berries/juice work in providing you with antioxidants, aa’s and EFA’s. In places outside South America, you can get the same benefits from pomegranates and pomegranate juice. I recommend Açaí juice – but after taking it just don’t expect to wake up in the morning with long hair, long finger nails and all your health problems gone.
Charles rating: 4 out of 5 Charles faces.
Now you can answer the question of Acai Berries fad, scam, or legit??
16 replies to "Acai Berries fad, scam, or legit?"
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