This post is about Bench Tricep Dips.
As the title indicates, this exercise works your triceps (primary muscles) and your deltoids (secondary muscles).
Bench Tricep Dips
The most important thing to remember about this exercise is to keep your butt close to the bench through the entire exercise. When you get tired, you have a tendency to drift away from the bench. Remember, proper form is everything.
In these photos, we show you the beginners version (Julie) and the advanced version (Charles).
- Put the palms of your hands on the bench, shoulder width apart, and your feet in front of you with your knees bent at a 90 degree angle. Keep your butt as close to the bench as possible.
Julie Bench Press Dip Photo #1 - Slowly lower yourself down until your elbows are at a 90 degree angle. (Julie photo 2) Lift yourself back up. That’s one rep.
Julie Bench Press Dip Photo #2 - To switch it up a little, move your hands either closer together or farther apart on the bench.
Julie Bench Press Dip Photo #1 (Alternate) Julie Bench Press Dip Photo #2 (Alternate)
- To switch it up a little, move your hands either closer together or farther apart on the bench.
Bench Tricep Dips
- 1. All of the above apply, except put your legs straight out in front of you on a bench. Or, just put them straight out in front of you on the ground if a bench is too difficult. (Charles photos 1 & 2)
Charles Bench Press Dip Photo #1 Charles Bench Press Dip Photo #2 - If you really want to get nuts slap some 45’s on your lap then holla at me in the mornin’ -Charles
This concludes my post on Bench Tricep Dips.
1 Response to "Bench Tricep Dips"
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