This post is entitled You are where you deserve to be Part 1

Today I am going to explore the mental side of Physical and Mental Fitness for Sarcastic People.
You are where you deserve to be Part 1
Your Life:
If you are a healthy functioning adult, you are living the exact life you think you deserve. Right now, wherever you are sitting or standing in the universe, you are living the exact life you believe you should be living.
- If you are reading this from prison, you deserve to be there. I have family members who I love dearly, but they are serial criminals. They are exactly where they need to be, in prison. They deserve to be there. They believe they deserve to be there. They may not want to be there, but they deserve to be there because of their past actions.
- If you are fat and out of shape, you deserve to be fat and out of shape. Quit blaming your metabolism or what happened to J.R. on Dallas when you were 11 years old. You are fat and out of shape because you don’t workout and you have a crappy diet. You deserve to be fat and out of shape. You believe you deserve to be fat and out of shape. You may not want to be fat and out of shape, but you deserve to be fat and out of shape because of your past actions.
- If you’re flying on an airplane for a multi-billion dollar business deal in South Africa, you deserve to be there. You are flying or being flown to South Africa right now because you are solving a huge problem for people on this earth. If your idea is good and makes sense, you are going to get that deal and make a ton of money. You deserve to be a multi-billionaire. You believe you deserve to be a multi-billionaire because of your past actions.
- If you love your life, you deserve to love your life. Whatever you are doing to love life you deserve it. If you love your life, I am 100% positive that you are helping others to enjoy their lives more. You love your life because you figured out the secret…you’re helping other people. You got past your own stupid problems and decided to help others. You deserve to be happy. You believe you deserve to be happy.
Right now each and every one of these situations I just wrote about are being lived. There are also countless other situations, but chances are, you don’t care about any one of them except your own.
You are what you think you are
Everyday you make this conscious or unconscious decision: Who am I? Each and everyday you decide who you want to be in this life. Through repetition and consistency you will become whatever your answer is.
If your answer is a criminal, you are going to pull off some criminal acts. Why? Because that is what criminals do and you’re a criminal.
If your answer is you a wanna-be thug/gangster, you going to put on some oversized pants and let them hang half-way off your ass. Why? Because that is what wanna-be thug/gangsters do and you a wanna-be thug/gangster.
If you’re a Mormon preacher you’re going to do what a Mormon preacher does. Preach about Mormonism. Why? Because you’re a Mormon preacher and that is what Mormon preachers do.
Simplicity of Life
I know this is going to be over simplistic, but it is the truth. You created the life you live today. If you like where you are, who you are, what you are doing and where you are going, keep on doing what you have been doing. I can say with certainty that you will keep getting similar results.
If you don’t like where you are, who you are, what you’re doing and where you are going, but you keep on doing what you have been doing in the past, then expect past similar results.
Expect to continue to hate your life. I know there are some…no, a lot of people who get off on misery, their whole M.O. is how much pain and anguish they are going through. I personally can’t stand it when I ask somebody:
Charles: “Hey what’s going on”? “How are you doing”?
Somebody: “Oh, man, my back hurts, my husband/wife left me and I am having problems a work….”
Charles: <thanking to himself> I need to get out of here, I don’t want to hear this crap </thinking to himself>
Why you do what you do: Happiness and Freedom
You do what you do, because you enjoy doing it and believe you deserve it. For example: You get high on cocaine because you 1. Love being high 2. You hate freedom and 3. Believe you deserve the end outcome of continued use of cocaine (drugs). Let me expand.
- Cocaine users love the euphoria of being high, all your problems can be put on hiatus, if only momentarily.
- Cocaine users hate freedom – There are 2 kinds of freedoms in this world. Freedom from slave mentality type thinking (cocaine/in need of a slave master) and freedom from knowing that you are wrong.
- Cocaine users deserve the end outcome – Cocaine users will ignore this in order to get to the first step – euphoria.
Example 2: You love your life, everything is going swell.
- You love your life and you love the euphoria of helping other people, all your own personal problems seem minute and silly compared to other people’s problems
- You love your life and love freedom – There are 2 kinds of freedoms in this world. Freedom from slave mentality (Thinking only of you) and freedom from knowing and doing what is right. (You have conquered this step)
- You love your life because the more people you help the happier you become – Happy people love their life because this is where they get what they want because they completed step number 1 – Helping other people.
You are where you deserve to be Part 1
Most people live this way, although it may not necessarily be cocaine; it can be any number of things. Being that I talk a great deal about fitness, nutrition, diet, personal development and exercise, people will usually say me, “I want to lose weight, but I just can’t give up *** food.” Or, “I want to make more money but I can’t leave my $6.50/hour job.” To me, that is like asking “How can I eat fat disgusting food all day but get skinny”. There is no congruency and it’s stupid. It’s like asking a photographer how do I become a better photographer but I don’t have, own or want a camera. There is just too much wrong going on here.
So what do you do if you want to change but think you deserve what you have?
I will answer this tomorrow in part 2 of You are where you deserve to be.
Thanks for reading You are where you deserve to be Part 1